!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> Busy Beaver talk
Gamekeeping for the Zany Zoo: How to Hunt Busy Beavers, Placid Platypodes* and other Alliterative Animals
James Harland,  School of CS&IT, RMIT
Seminar at CS&IT, RMIT University  11th August, 2006
    *There is no universally accepted plural for "platypus". This is one possibility; others include "platypuses", "platypode" and "platypus". The once-common "platypi" is now deprecated.
Beaver machines are a particular type of Turing machine:
  • Deterministic (at most one transition for any state and input symbol)
  • Two-way infinite tape
  • Tape alphabet is only blank (B) and 1
  • Initially tape is entirely blank
  • Single halt state
Question (busy beaver): For a given number of states, what is the largest number of 1's that can be printed by a beaver machine which halts?

Question (placid platypus): For a given number of 1's, what is the smallest number of states required to print them by a beaver machine which halts?

Known busy beavers

  • Cases n = 1,2,3 solved by Lin and Rado in 1960's
  • Case n = 4 solved by Brady in 1970's
  • Cases n = 5,6 had some monster machines found in 1990's and 2000's, but still open
     bb(n): maximum number of 1's printed by a terminating beaver machine with n states (often written Σ(n) )
          ff(n): maximum number of state transitions made by a terminating beaver machine with n states (often written S(n))
          prod(M): number of 1's printed by machine M (undefined if M does not halt)

    Hence bb(n) is the maximum value of prod(M) for all n-state machines M.
    Naturally ff(n) ≥ bb(n) and is typically much larger. Possible that the values of bb(n) and ff(n) arise from different machines.

1 1 1
2 4 6
3 6 21
4 13 107
5 ≥ 4098
≥ 47,176,870
6 ≥ 1.29×10865 ≥ 3×101730

    Consider that a 6-state machine can be represented in 55 bits  ...  (and 10865 takes about 2,800 bits)

3-state busy beaver 
4-state busy beaver

5-state busy beaver candidate 6-state busy beaver candidate



The busy beaver function is non-computable, because it grows faster than any computable function!

Proof: Let f be any computable function.
f computable ⇒ so is F(x)  = Σ 0 ≤ i ≤ x  f(i) + i 2 ⇒ k-state machine MF : x 1's → F(x)  1's

Consider M: X then Mthen MF where X: blank x 1's. Note X has x states.

M behaves as follows:

  • M first writes x 1's
  • M mimics MF , writing F(x) 1's on the tape
  • M mimics MF again, writing F(F(x)) 1's on the tape
M has x + 2k states bb(n+2k) 1's output by M = x + F(x) + F(F(x))

Now F(x) ≥ x 2 > x + 2k for x > m, and F(x) > F(y)  when x > y, and so
F(F(x)) > F(x+2k) > f(x+2k)

So bb(x+2k)
x + F(x) + F(F(x)) > F(F(x)) > F(x+2k) > f(x+2k)

Hence, as f was arbitrary, bb is not computable

Searching for bb(n)

How many machines are there?
  • n-state machine, 2n transitions, 2 outputs, 2 directions and n+1 possible new states   (4 (n+1)) 2n 
  • only ever one halt state 2n × (4n) 2n-1
  • fix first transition (output 1, direction R, state 2, not halt)  (2n-1) × (4n)2n-2

For n =5 we "only' have to search through 230,400,000,000 = 2.3 ×1011
machines ...

Naive generate and test won't work; the trick is how to incorporate the test into the generation.

O1 = 1, D1 = R, N1 = 2
not (D3 = R, N3 = 2), N3 ≠ h
O5, D5, N5 O7, D7, N7 O9, D9, N9
O2, D2, N2
O4, D4, N4
O6, D6, N6 O8, D8, N8 O10, D10, N10

Some "global" constraints can be used as well, such as avoiding N3 = 3, D3 = R, N5 = 2, D5 = R.

 Tree normal form:
  • emulate machine as the transitions are generated
  • add the halt state only when there is only one "slot" left
  • generate states in numerical order
  • detect loops as early as possible

Loop detection is critical! Mining the data for the 117,440,512 machines with 4 states:

13,029 1981

  • 89,207 machines terminate and print at least 5 1's
  • only 2,561 machines terminate and print more 1's than the 3-state busy beaver
  • loops abound!
Looping machines (or who's who in the zoo :-)
ignoble iguana can be ignored in the search
perennial pigeon repeats a configuration
road runner moves to infinity
phlegmatic phoenix makes tape blank
meandering meerkat cannot execute halt transition
dizzy duck "travelling loop"

   What about remaining cases?
.... 11{C}1 → ... 11{C}111 → ... 11{C}11111 ...

Form conjecture that                         11{C} 1 (11)N →  11{C} 111(11)N

Then compute from state 11{C} 1 (11)N to state 11{C} 111(11)N on hypothetical engine
To compute with L {S} INR:

  • {S}IX →  O{S}X --- can directly transform L {S} INR to L ON {S} R wild wombat
  • L {S}IX →  NewL {S}X --- make this L2.L1 {S}INR to L2.(L3)N.L1 {S} R slitering snake
  • L {S}I IN R →  NewL {S} IN NewR --- make this L2.L1 {S}INR to L2.(L3)N.L1 {S} I NewR maniacal monkey
The Blue Bilby, the Ebony Elephant, the White Whale and the Demon Duck of Doom

NameStatesMachines Status
Blue Bilby 31,720 24 wild wombats, 2 slithery snakes
Ebony Elephant 4278,570 some maniacal monkeys, some killer kangaroos and monster dizzy ducks, 53 machines unclassified
White Whale 569,471,096 monsters abound
Demon Duck of Doom6??? need better weapons

Killer Kangaroo
16{D}0 →... 118{D}0 → ... 142{D}0 → ... 190{D}0 → ...
Conjectures are simple enough, but the hypothetical engine needs work ...

Current State of the Placid Platypus

Machines exist for productivities 1-73, 75-83, 87-91, 99, 112, 501, 1471, 1915, 4096, 4097, 4098 with minor variants for 46, 48, 50, 75, 77, 80, 82, 90 ...


  • Is the Ebony Elephant quest decidable?
  • Is bb(5) = 4098?
  • How to write a better loop detector
  • How to generate proofs of non-termination from positive loop detection
  • Productivity for machines which are
    • contiguous (tape always of the form B1 *B)
    • eager (output is only 1, never B)
    • monotonic (no transitions with 1 input and B output)
  • Distribution of 5-state machines between bb(4) and bb(5)
  • Range of Platypus numbers
  • What is the largest continuous range which can be represented by a terminating beaver machine?
  • What is the smallest number that cannot be printed by a 6-state (resp. 5-state) machine?
  • Relationship to 3n+1 problem
  • Constraints on tape access (cf. linear bounded automata)
To Do List