Preliminary results on DECC-G (a baseline model):
Algorithms Quality f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
DECC-G Best 1.75e-13 9.90e+02 2.63e-10 7.58e+09 7.28e+14 6.96e-08 1.96e+08 1.43e+14
Median 2.00e-13 1.03e+03 2.85e-10 2.12e+10 7.28e+14 6.08e+04 4.27e+08 3.88e+14
Worst 2.45e-13 1.07e+03 3.16e-10 6.99e+10 7.28e+14 1.10e+05 1.78e+09 7.75e+14
Mean 2.03e-13 1.03e+03 2.87e-10 2.60e+10 7.28e+14 4.85e+04 6.07e+08 4.26e+14
Std 1.78e-14 2.26e+01 1.38e-11 1.47e+10 1.51e+05 3.98e+04 4.09e+08 1.53e+14
Algorithms Quality f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 --
DECC-G Best 2.20e+08 9.29e+04 4.68e+10 9.80e+02 2.09e+10 1.91e+11 4.63e+07
Median 4.17e+08 1.19e+07 1.60e+11 1.03e+03 3.36e+10 6.27e+11 6.01e+07
Worst 6.55e+08 1.73e+07 7.16e+11 1.20e+03 4.64e+10 1.04e+12 7.15e+07
Mean 4.27e+08 1.10e+07 2.46e+11 1.04e+03 3.42e+10 6.08e+11 6.05e+07
Std 9.89e+07 4.00e+06 2.03e+11 5.76e+01 6.41e+09 2.06e+11 6.45e+06

that information about the DECC-G algorithm can be found in the following paper:

Zhenyu Yang, Ke Tang and X. Yao: "Large Scale Evolutionary Optimization Using Cooperative Coevolution",Information Sciences, 178(15):2985-2999, August 2008. 
Available as a PDF here.

The parameter group size was set to s=100.