Research Publications

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Authored Book

  1. Mistry, S., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H.: Economic Models for Managing Cloud Services. Springer. (February 2018) Link

Edited Book

  1. Hacid, H., Aldwairi, M., Bouadjenek, M. R., Petrocchi, M., Faci, N., Outay, F., Beheshti, A., Thamsen, L., Dong, H.: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2021 Workshops - AIOps, STRAPS, AI-PA and Satellite Events, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 22-25, 2021, Proceedings. Springer (2022) Link
  2. Beheshti, A., Hashmi, M., Dong, H., Zhang, W.E.: Service Research and Innovation - 5th and 6th Australasian Symposium, ASSRI 2015 and ASSRI 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 2-3, 2015, and October 19-20, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Springer. (March 2018) Link

Selected Journal Articles

  1. Ji, S., Huang, C., Ren, B., Dong, H., Grunske, L., Zhang, P.: TAEFuzz: Automatic Fuzzing for Image-based Deep Learning Systems via Transferable Adversarial Examples. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. Accepted (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-10%, Impact Factor: 6.6, SJR-10%) Link
  2. Pakana, F., Sohrabi, N., Dong, H., Tari, Z.: ERT: Data Placement based on Estimated Response Time for P2P Storage Systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Accepted (CORE-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 3.4, SJR-Q1) Link
  3. Chu, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Xiao, Y., Ji, S.: DeepFusion: Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Via Deep Learning and Data Fusion. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Accepted (CORE-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.0, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  4. Zhang, J., Wang, X., Yuan, P., Dong, H., Zhang, P., Tari, Z.: Dependency-Aware Task Offloading based on Application Hit Ratio. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 17(6) (December 2024) pp. 3373-3386 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  5. Zhang, X., Huang, S., Dong, H., Bao, Z., Liu, J., Yi, X.: Optimized Edge Node Allocation Considering User Delay Tolerance for Cost Reduction. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 17(6) (December 2024) pp. 4055-4068 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  6. Pu, J., Fu, X., Dong, H., Zhang, P., Liu, L.: Dynamic Adaptive Federated Learning on Local Long-Tailed Data. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 17(6) (December 2024) pp. 3485-3498 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  7. Alharbi, A., Dong, H., Yi, X., Abeysekara, P.: Cloned Identity Detection in Social Sensor-Clouds based on Incomplete Profiles. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 17(6) (December 2024) pp. 3227-3240 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  8. Jin, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A., Zomaya, A.: Swift and Accurate Mobility-Aware QoS Forecasting for Mobile Edge Environments. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 17(6) (December 2024) pp. 4340-4353 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  9. Niu, Z., Dong, H., Qin, A. K., Gu, T.: FLrce: Resource-Efficient Federated Learning with Early-Stopping Strategy. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 23(12) (December 2024) pp. 14514-14529 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 7.7, SJR-5%) Preprint Link
  10. Zhang, P., Wang, B., Luo, X., Dong, H.: SCAnoGenerator: Automatic Anomaly Injection for Ethereum Smart Contracts. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 50(11) (November 2024) pp. 2983-3006 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-10%, Impact Factor: 6.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  11. Ji, S., Li, J., Jin, H., Wei, T., Dong, H., Zhang, P., Bouguettaya, A.: Space-Time-Aware Proactive QoS Monitoring for Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 21(5) (October 2024) pp.5662-5676 (JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 4.7, SJR-Q1) Preprint Link
  12. Ding, L., Chen, B., Zhu, Y., Dong, H., Zhang, P., Chan, G.: Geo-Hgan: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Geochemical Data via Latent Space Learning. Computers & Geosciences. 192 (October 2024) 105703 (JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 4.2, SJR-Q1) Link
  13. Yang, X., Wang, H., Huang, Y., Chen, Z., Yi, X., Dong, H., Yang, X.: Estimation of Realized Volatility of Cryptocurrencies Using CEEMDAN-RF-LSTM. Future Generation Computer Systems. 158 (September 2024) pp.219-229 (CORE-A, JCR-10%, Impact Factor: 6.2, SJR-10%) Link
  14. Ji, S., Gong, J., Dong, H., Zhang, P., Zhu, S.: IABC-TCG: Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based Test Case Generation for Smart Contracts. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 36(12), e2719 (August 2024) (Impact Factor: 1.7) Link
  15. Chu, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Xiao., Y., Ji, S.: SGDL: Smart Contract Vulnerability Generation via Deep Learning. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 36(12), e2712 (July 2024) (Impact Factor: 1.7) Link
  16. Cai, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Xiao, Y., Koffas, S., Li, Y.: Towards Stealthy Backdoor Attacks against Speech Recognition via Elements of Sound. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security. 19 (May 2024) pp.5852-5866 (CORE-A, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 6.8, SJR-1%) Preprint Link
  17. Rehman, Z., Gondal, I., Ge, M., Dong, H., Gregory, M., Tari, Z.: Proactive Defense Mechanism: Enhancing IoT Security through Diversity-based Moving Target Defense and Cyber Deception. Computers & Security. 139 (April 2024) 103685 (JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 4.8, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  18. Jin, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Wei, X., Zhu, Y., Gu, T.: Mobility-aware and Privacy-protecting QoS Optimization in Mobile Edge Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 23(2) (February 2024) pp.1169-1185 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 7.7, SJR-5%) Preprint Link
  19. Ding, L., Chen, B., Zhu, Y., Dong, H., Zhang, P.: Mineral prediction based on prototype learning. Computers & Geosciences. 184 (February 2024) 105540 (JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 4.2, SJR-Q1) Link
  20. Zhang, P., Yu, Q., Xiao, Y., Dong, H., Luo, X., Wang, X., Zhang M.: BiAn: Smart Contract Source Code Obfuscation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 49(9) (September 2023) pp.4456-4476 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-10%, Impact Factor: 6.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  21. Abeysekara, P., Dong, H., Qin, A. K.: Edge Intelligence for Real-Time IoT Service Trust Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 16(4) (July 2023) pp.2606-2619 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  22. Cai, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Grunske, L., Ji, S., Yuan, T.: Adversarial Example-based Test Case Generation for Black-box Speech Recognition Systems. Software Testing, Verification & Reliability. 33(5) (July 2023) e1848 (Impact Factor: 1.5) Link
  23. Chu, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Xiao, Y., Ji, S., Li, W.: A Survey on Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Data Sources, Detection and Repair. Information and Software Technology. 159 (July 2023) 107221 (CORE-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 3.8, SJR-Q1) Preprint Link
  24. Ji, S., Zhu, S., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Yang, J.: Test Case Generation for Data Flow Testing of Smart Contracts Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 72(1) (March 2023) pp.358-371 (CORE-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.0, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  25. Jin, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Zhu, Y., Bouguettaya, A.: Privacy-Aware Forecasting of Quality of Service in Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 16(1) (February 2023) pp.478-492 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  26. Abeysekara, P., Dong, H., Qin, A. K.: Data-driven Trust Prediction in Mobile Edge Computing-based IoT Systems. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 16(1) (February 2023) pp.246-260 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  27. Zhang, P., Ren, B., Dong, H., Dai, Q.: CAGFuzz: Coverage-Guided Adversarial Generative Fuzzing Testing for Image-based Deep Learning Systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 48(11) (November 2022) pp.4630-4646 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-10%, Impact Factor: 6.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  28. Ding, L., Zhu, Y., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Chen, H.: Multi-class Prediction of Mineral Resources Based on Deep Learning. IEEE Access 10 (October 2022) pp.111463-111476 . (Impact Factor: 3.4, SJR-Q1) Link
  29. Alharbi, A., Dong, H., Yi, X., Tari, Z., Khalil, I.: Social Media Identity Deception Detection: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys. 54(3) (April 2022) Article 69: pp.1-35 (CORE-A*, JCR-1%, Impact Factor: 23.8, SJR-1%) Preprint Link
  30. Aamir, T., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Social-sensor composition for tapestry scenes. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 15(2) (April 2022) pp.1059-1073 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  31. Zhang, P., Jin, H., Dong, H., Song, W., Bouguettaya, A.: Privacy-preserving QoS forecasting in Mobile Edge Environments. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 15(2) (April 2022) pp.1103-1117 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  32. Zhang, P., Jin, H., Dong, H., Song, W.: M-BSRM: Multivariate BayeSian Runtime QoS Monitoring Using Point Mutual Information. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 15(1) (Feburary 2022) pp.484-497 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  33. Li, W., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Jia, Y., Cao, W.: RSDF-AM-LSTM: Regional Scale Division Rainfall Forecasting using Attention and LSTM. ACM Transactions on Data Science. 2(4) (November 2021) Article 35: pp.1-27. Link
  34. Zhang, P., Wang, L., Dong, H., Song, W.: LA-LMRBF: Online and Long-term Web Service QoS Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 14(6) (November 2021) pp.1809-1823 (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Link
  35. Jin, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Shao, M., Zhu, Y.: Personalized Scholar Recommendation Based on Multi-dimensional Features. Applied Sciences. 11(18) (September 2021) 8464 (JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 2.5) Link
  36. Zhang, P., Zhang, Y., Dong, H., Jin, H.: Mobility and dependence-aware QoS monitoring in Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 9(3) (September 2021) pp.1143-1157(JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.3, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  37. Wang, Z., Zhao, Y., Dong, H., Xu, Y., Lv, Y.: Improved Algorithm Based on Decision Tree for Semantic Information Retrieval. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing. 30(2) (August 2021) pp.414-429 (Impact Factor: 2.0) Link
  38. Sun, L., Dong, H., Hussain, O., Hussain F., Liu, A.X.: A framework of cloud service selection with criteria interactions. Future Generation Computer Systems. 94 (May 2019) pp.749-764. (CORE-A, JCR-10%, Impact Factor: 6.2, SJR-10%) Link 
  39. Sun, L., Dong, H., Liu, A.X.: Aggregation functions considering criteria interrelationships in fuzzy multi-criteria decision making: State-of-the-art. IEEE Access. 6 (December 2018) pp.68104-68136. (Impact Factor: 3.4, SJR-Q1) Link
  40. Sun, L., He, J., Ma, J., Dong, H., Zhang, Y.: Limited-length Suffix-array-based Method for Variable-length Motif Discovery in Time Series. Journal of Internet Technology. 19(6) (November 2018) pp.1841-1851. (Impact Factor: 0.9) Link
  41. Mistry, S., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H., Qin, A.K.: Metaheuristic optimization for long-term IaaS service composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 11(1) (January/February 2018) pp.131-143. (CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  42. Bouguettaya, A., Singh, M., Huhns, M., Sheng, Q. Z., Dong, H., Yu, Q., Neiat, A. G., Mistry, S., Benatallah, B., Medjahed, B., Ouzzani, M., Casati, F., Liu, X., Wang, H., Georgakopoulos, D., Chen, L., Nepal, S., Malik, Z., Erradi, A., Wang, Y., Blake, B., Dustdar, S., Leymann, F., Papazoglou, M.: A service computing manifesto: The next ten years. Communications of the ACM 60(4) (April 2017) pp. 64-72 (JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 11.1, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  43. Ye, Z., Mistry, S., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H.: Long-term QoS-aware cloud service composition using multivariate time series analysis. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 9(3) (May/June 2016) pp. 382-393 (Spotlight article in the TSC May/June 2016 issue, CORE-A*, CCF-A, JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 5.5, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  44. Sun, L., Ma, J., Zhang, Y., Dong, H., Hussain, F.K.: Cloud-FuSeR: Fuzzy ontology and MCDM based cloud service selection. Future Generation Computer Systems 57(April 2016) pp. 42-55 (CORE-A, JCR-10%, Impact Factor: 6.2, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  45. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K.: Service-requester-centered service selection and ranking model for digital transportation ecosystems. Computing 97(1) (January 2015) pp. 79-102. (CORE-A, Impact Factor: 3.3) Preprint Link
  46. Sun, L., Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Hussain, O.K., Chang, E.: Cloud service selection: State-of-the-art and future research directions. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (October 2014) pp. 134-150. (One of the most downloaded JNCA articles in 2014, CORE-A, JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 7.7, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  47. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K.: Self-adaptive semantic focused crawler for mining services information discovery. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10(2) (May 2014) pp. 1616-1626 (CORE-A, JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 11.1, SJR-5%) Preprint Link
  48. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K.: SOF: A semi-supervised ontology-learning-based focused crawler. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 25(12) (August 2013) pp. 1755-1770 (CORE-A, Impact Factor: 1.5) Preprint Link
  49. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: Semantic Web Service matchmakers: State of the art and challenges. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 25(7) (May 2013) pp. 961-988 (CORE-A, Impact Factor: 1.5) Preprint Link
  50. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: ORPMS: An ontology-based real-time project monitoring system in the cloud. Journal of Universal Computer Science 17(8) (August 2011) pp. 1161-1182 (Impact Factor: 0.7) Link
  51. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K.: Semantic service matchmaking for digital health ecosystems. Knowledge-Based Systems 24(6) (August 2011) pp. 761-774 (JCR-Q1, Impact Factor: 7.2, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  52. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: A framework for discovering and classifying ubiquitous services in digital health ecosystems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 77(4) (July 2011) pp. 687-704 (CORE-A*, Impact Factor: 1.1) Preprint Link
  53. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K.: Focused crawling for automatic service discovery, annotation and classification in industrial digital ecosystems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58(6) (June 2011) pp. 2106-2116 (JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 7.5, SJR-5%Preprint Link
  54. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: A service search engine for the industrial digital ecosystems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58(6) (June 2011) pp. 2183-2196 (JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 7.5, SJR-5%) Preprint Link
  55. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: A context-aware semantic similarity model for ontology environments. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 23(2) (April 2011) pp. 505-524 (CORE-A, Impact Factor: 1.5) Preprint Link
  56. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: A service concept recommendation system for enhancing the dependability of semantic service matchmakers in the service ecosystem environment. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 34(2) (March 2011) pp.619-632 (CORE-A, JCR-5%, Impact Factor: 7.7, SJR-10%) Preprint Link
  57. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: A human-centered semantic service platform for the digital ecosystems environment. World Wide Web 13(1-2) (March 2010) pp. 75-103 (CORE-A, Impact Factor: 2.7, SJR-Q1) Preprint Link
  58. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: A QoS-based service retrieval methodology for digital ecosystems. International Journal of Web and Grid Services 5(3) (September 2009) pp. 261-283 (Impact Factor: 1.0) Preprint Link

Selected Conference Articles

  1. Niu, Z., Dong, H., Qin, A. K.: FedSPU: Personalized Federated Learning for Resource-constrained Devices with Stochastic Parameter Update. The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2025). (CORE-A*, CCF-A) Preprint
  2. Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Dong, H., Bao, Z., Liu, J.: On-the-Fly Representative Point Selection for Object Detection in Point Cloud: A Two-Phase Downsampling Approach. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2025 (WACV 2025) (February 2025) (CORE-A)
  3. Chan, G., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Ji, S., Chen, B.: Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Prototype-based Feature Augmentation. The 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024) (July 2024) (CORE-A*, CCF-A) Preprint Link
  4. Ji, S., Li, J., Jin, H., Dong, H., Ge, Z., Yang, S., Zhang, P.: Resource Aware Multi-User Task Offloading In Mobile Edge Computing. The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2024) (July 2024) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  5. Ge, Z., Zhang, P., Jin, H., Dong, H., Ji, S., Li, J., Wang, Q.: QoS Optimization via Computation Offloading in Metaverse Environment. The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2024) (July 2024) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  6. Li, J., Ji, S., Jin, H., Dong, H., Ge, Z., Zhang, P.: Dynamic Adaptive User Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing. The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Software Services Engineering (IEEE SSE 2024) (July 2024) Preprint Link
  7. Zhang, M., Ji, S., Cai, H., Dong, H., Ji, S., Zhang, P.: Audio Steganography Based Backdoor Attack for Speech Recognition Software. The 48th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024) (July 2024) Link
  8. Ji, S., Li, Y., Dong, H., Xiao, M., Zhang, P., Zhang, M.: Gradient-Guided Test Case Generation for Image Classification Software. The 48th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024) (July 2024) Link
  9. Xiao, M., Xiao, Y., Dong, H., Ji, S., Zhang, P.: LEAP: Efficient and Automated Test Method for NLP Software. The 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023) (September 2023) (CORE-A*, CCF-A) Preprint Link
  10. Ji, S., Huang, C., Zhang, P., Dong, H.: Ponzi Scheme Detection Based on Control Flow Graph Feature Extraction. The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2023) (July 2023) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  11. Bai, J., Dong, H.: Federated Learning-driven Trust Prediction for Mobile Edge Computing-based IoT Systems. The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2023) (July 2023) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  12. Ji, S., Zhu, S., Zhang, P., Dong, H.: Data Flow Reduction Based Test Case Generation for Smart Contracts. The 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2022) (December 2022) Link
  13. Yu, Q., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Xiao, Y., Ji, S.: Bytecode Obfuscation for Smart Contracts. The 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2022) (December 2022) Preprint Link
  14. Wei, T., Zhang, P., Dong, H., Jin, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Mobility-Aware Proactive QoS Monitoring for Mobile Edge Computing. The 20th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2022) (November 2022) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  15. Wang, B., Chu, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H.: Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Using Code Representation Fusion. The 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2021) (December 2021) Preprint Link
  16. Alharbi, A., Dong, H., Yi, X., Abeysekara, P.: Privacy-Aware Identity Cloning Detection based on Deep Forest. The 19th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2021) (November 2021) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  17. Zhang, X., Huang, S., Dong, H., Bao, Z.: Edge Node Placement with Minimum Costs: When User Tolerance on Service Delay Matters. The 19th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2021) (November 2021) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  18. Zhang, M., Liu, J., Zhang, W., Deng, K., Dong, H., Liu, Y.: CSSR: A Context-Aware Sequential Software Service Recommendation Model. The 19th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2021) (November 2021) (CORE-A, Best Short Paper Award Nomination) Preprint Link
  19. Alharbi, A., Dong, H., Yi, X., Abeysekara, P.: NPS-AntiClone: Identity Cloning Detection based on Non-Privacy-Sensitive User Profile Data. The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2021) (September 2021) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  20. Huang, B., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Conflict Detection in IoT-based Smart Homes. The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2021) (September 2021) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  21. Zhang, M., Zhao, J., Dong, H., Deng, K., Liu, Y.: A Knowledge Graph based Approach for Mobile Application Recommendation. The 18th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2020) (December 2020) (CORE-A, Acceptance Rate: 17%) Preprint Link
  22. Aamir, T., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Heuristics based Mosaic of Social-Sensor Services for Scene Reconstruction. The 21st International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2020) (October 2020) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  23. Alharbi, A., Dong, H.: Subjective Metrics-based Cloud Market Performance Prediction. The 21st International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2020) (October 2020) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  24. Zhang, P., Zhang, Y., Dong, H. Jin, H.: Multivariate QoS Monitoring in Mobile Edge Computing based on Bayesian Classifier and Rough Set. The 2020 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2020) (October 2020) (CORE-A, Acceptance Rate: 18%) Preprint Link
  25. Jin, H., Zhang, P., Dong, H.: Security-Aware QoS Forecasting in Mobile Edge Computing based on Federated Learning. The 2020 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2020) (October 2020) (CORE-A, Acceptance Rate: 18%) Preprint Link
  26. Abeysekara, P., Dong, H., Qin, A. K.: Distributed Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics in Mobile Edge Computing Based IoT Environments. The 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020) (July 2020) (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  27. Dong, H.: IaaS reservation optimization for multi-QoS level based SaaS provisioning. The 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2019) (December 2019) (CORE-A) Preprint
  28. Abeysekara, P., Dong, H., Qin, A. K.: Machine learning-driven trust for MEC-based IoT services. The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2019) (July 2019) pp.188-192(CORE-A) Preprint Link
  29. Aamir, T., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Social-sensor composition for scene analysis. The 16th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2018) (November 2018) pp. 352-362 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  30. Aamir, T., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Stance and credibility based trust in Social-Sensor Cloud Service. The 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2018) (November 2018) pp.178-189 (CORE-APreprint Link
  31. Aamir, T., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Trust in Social-Sensor Cloud Service. The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2018) (June 2018) pp.359-362 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  32. Aamir, T., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H., Mistry, S., Erradi, A.: Social-Sensor Cloud Service for scene reconstruction. The 15th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2017) (November 2017) pp.37-52 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  33. Mistry, S., Bouguettay, A., Dong, H., Erradi, A.: Probabilistic qualitative preference matching in long-term IaaS composition. The 15th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2017) (November 2017) pp.256-271 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  34. Aamir, T., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H.: Social-Sensor Cloud Service selection. The 24th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2017) (June 2017) pp. 508-515 (CORE-APreprint Link
  35. Jayaratna, S., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H., Qin, A. K., Erradi, A.: Subjective evaluation of market-driven cloud services. The 24th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2017) (June 2017) pp. 516-523 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  36. Ali, K., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A..: Sentiment Analysis as a Service: A social media based sentiment analysis framework. The 24th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2017) (June 2017) pp. 660-667 (CORE-APreprint Link
  37. Rahman, M. S., Khalil, I., Yi, X., Dong, H.: Highly imperceptible and reversible text steganography using invisible character based codeword. The Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems 2017 (PACIS 2017) (July 2017) 230 (CORE-A) Link
  38. Chen, L., Ying, H., Qiu, Q., Wu, J., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Temporal pattern based QoS prediction. The 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2016) (November 2016) pp. 223-237 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  39. Mistry, S., Bouguettay, A., Dong, H., Erradi, A.: Qualitative economic model for long-term IaaS composition. The 14th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016) (October 2016) pp. 317-332 (Best Research Paper Award, CORE-A) Preprint Link
  40. Liang, T., Chen, L., Wu, J., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Meta-path based service recommendation in heterogeneous information networks. The 14th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016) (October 2016) pp. 371-386 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  41. Huang, B., Bouguettay, A., Dong, H., Chen, L.: Service mining for Internet of Things. The 14th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016) (October 2016) pp. 566-574 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  42. Gao, W., Chen, L., Wu, J., Dong, H., Bouguettaya, A.: Personalized API recommendation via implicit preference modelling. The 14th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016) (October 2016) pp. 646-653 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  43. Chotipant, S., Hussain, F. K., Dong, H., Hussain, O. K.: A neural network based approach for semantic service annotation. The 22nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2015) (November 2015) pp. 292-300 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  44. Mistry, S., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H., Qin, A. K.: Optimizing long-term IaaS service composition. The 13th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2015) (November 2015) pp. 333-342 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  45. Mistry, S., Bouguettaya, A., Dong, H., Qin, A. K.: Predicting dynamic behavior of consumer requests in long-term IaaS service composition. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2015) (June 2015) pp. 49-56 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  46. Chang, C., Loke, S., Dong, H., Salim, F., Srirama, S., Liyanage, M.: An energy-efficient inter-organizational wireless sensor data collection framework. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2015) (June 2015), pp. 639-646 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  47. Chotipant, S., Hussain, F. K., Dong, H., Hussain, O. K.: A fuzzy VSM-based approach for semantic service retrieval. The 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2014) (November 2014) pp. 682-689 (CORE-A) Prerpint Link
  48. Dong, H., Hussain, F. K., Bouguettaya, A.: Discovering plain-text-described services based on ontology learning. The 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2014) (November 2014) pp. 673-681 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  49. Neiat, A.G., Bouguettaya, A., Sellis, T., Dong, H.: Failure-Proof spatio-temporal composition of sensor-cloud services. The 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014) (November 2014) pp. 368-377 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  50. Sun, L., Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Hussain, O.K., Ma, J., Zhang, Y.: Multicriteria decision making with fuzziness and criteria interdependence in cloud service selection. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2014) (July 2014) pp. 1929-1936 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  51. Sun, L., Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Hussain, O.K., Ma, J., Zhang, Y.: A hybrid fuzzy framework for cloud service selection. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2014) (June 2014) pp. 313-320 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  52. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: UCOSAIS: A framework for user-centered online service advertising information search. The 14th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2013) (October 2013) pp. 267-276 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
  53. Dong, H., Hussain, F.K., Chang, E.: Ontology-learning-based focused crawling for online service advertising information discovery and classification. The 10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012) (November 2012) pp. 591-598 (CORE-A) Preprint Link
White Paper
  1. Xu, C., Dong, H., Soharbi, N., Tari, Z.: Green Bitcoin Whitepaper: Energy Efficient, Work Useful, Scalable, and Green Blockchain, Green Bitcoin Foundation (December 2022) Link
PhD Thesis
  1. A customized semantic service retrieval methodology for the digital ecosystems environment Link
His full publications can be found from Google Scholar.